About the Business
Since our formation in 1988, AC Cleaning been renowned for cutting costs not corners and are firmly established as one of the region's premier contract cleaning companies. Whether you need AC Cleaning for 1 hour a day or a team of cleaners 24/7 we make every single minute count, allowing you to concentrate on what's important and so you can enjoy your working spaces. AC Cleaning hourly rates are affordable, monitored and priced to meet your requirements and budget. We are an ISO9001:2000 Quality Assured Company, meaning our clients can be assured of a quality service. What Time Does AC Cleaning attend?
If you're not around, do you know what time your employees get to work and leave? Well we do! We have recently deployed our time attend software across all our sites. This software uses a telephone on site. Once the cleaning operative attends to commence work, they will sign into our management system that logs the time they arrive and leave.
Location & Hours
16 Victoria Street